Life-time warranty!
Using ONLY one hand to attach and detach your stethoscope. No need to ever buy another stethoscope holder.
Magnetic Stethoscope Holder
We are a stethoscope holder company dedicated to bringing convenience to your side.
Our Story
Residency was a fun and exciting time, but I was always on the go. Pre-rounding, attending morning report, rounding, attending noon conference, on occasion performing procedures, and evaluating patients in the emergency room encompassed my daily life as a resident. Because it was uncomfortable for me to carry my stethoscope around my neck, I would place it anywhere but my neck. Somehow, I lost my stethoscope 6 times despite having my name/phone number tagged on it. I purchased a few hip holders but none of them allowed me to attach/detach my stethoscope with ease. Therefore, I created steth 'n go.